Saturday, January 19, 2008

Torino Races 4 and 5

Well Torino is a beautiful place, and I am so glad I finally got to go and slide the 2006 Olympic track! It was such a great experience. We had our new coach Martin with us this past week, and I learned so much I´m not sure I knew what to do with all the information!

Torino is so far the most difficult track I have ever slide on, there are still new tracks I haven´t been to so we will see after I slide on a few more! You can never stop focusing on your run in Torino if you do, something will go wrong and you can get into trouble pretty quick. I mainly learned how to put my complete attention into any single run this week.

I was pretty content with the race the first day. I finished in 17th and my runs were better than they were in training, and I finished ranked higher. I thought it was ok for my first ever time being there.I can´t say as much for the second day though. I had a great first push I was so excited and my run wasn´t great so I was hoping to fix it on the second run! I was excited to push fast again, well as soon as I took my first step that all came to an end. My sled came out of the groove, I don´t know if anyone has ever tried to stop a moving sled on ice but it is very difficult. I fell on my knees trying to stop, if anyone was watching it wasn´t a pretty sight. I got my sled back in the groove and as soon as I took the first step forward I realized the coaches had said come back. I could have restarted because I hadn´t made it to the timing eye.

I crossed the finish line and knew how bad it was. Martin was there to meet me and carry my sled, with nothing but positive words. There will be millions of other races, but really who wants to come out of the groove. Orvie and Greg comforted me when I got back to the top so I started to smile and realize it wasn´t the end of the world just one race.

Needless to say I learned new things on race day. You have to pay attention when things like this happen if I had looked at the clock I would have realized I could have restarted, but I didn´t and now I know for next time! You never stop learning no matter what you are doing in your life or however long you have been doing it. Nothing is ever perfect, you just have to realize how much you put into something and how much it means to you

We are in St. Moritz this week and race again on Friday. I am very excited to slide here and I hope to do very well. I know I will be learning more this week since it is a totally different track than Torino. I am extremely tired so I am going to bed, and will write more tomorrow.

Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes between my z´s and y´s they are in opposite spots on German keyboards and I am all confused with my typing. It has taken me forever to write this. But goodnight!


1 comment:

Kaitlin said...

Great job Annie! We're all very proud of you. Keep it up!
Relax and have fun, of course!