Thursday, April 23, 2009

Seriously Sore

I had a seriously hard workout yesterday. I went into the weight room still sore from Mondays workout, and Tuesdays rehab in sports med. I don’t have any injuries (knock on wood please if you are reading this, huge superstition). I am doing maintenance on my lower back because the end of the season pushing took a toll on me and I need to work on some small muscle groups.

If anyone wants to be incredibly sore and dread an exercise, do Bulgarian Deadlifts. I think they are the hardest thing I have ever done. It was killer to end the workout with Glute Ham Raises.

I had a great workout yesterday, despite the pain. I was the only one in the weight room (sometimes I don’t like that but yesterday I couldn’t have thought of anything better.) Jason is the head strength and conditioning person who runs the weight room, he writes programs and this off- season I decided to get on his program. I thought it was the best for me because of all the rehab things I am doing, he coordinates with the athletic trainers in sports medicine to see if you are having any problems and can’t do some exercises. As I was saying about yesterdays workout, Jason helped me with every lift. He watched my deadlifts, and cleans, and helped me with my glute ham raises.

Most importantly he gave me a ton of confidence. Normally I have problems when it comes to any hamstring exercise because I have had so many problems with my hamstrings. Jason assisted me on that part of the workout, and said that in about a month he believes I will be able to do them on my own.

I’m an athlete that needs to hear that your coach on the track or in the weight room believes that you can do it. Just a little bit of encouragement is all I want. So I think the summer in Lake Placid will be great for me, getting me ready going into next season and adding a little extra confidence to what I know I can do.

Sorry this post was a little bit scattered. I think I had a lot to say and probably could have put it all in one paragraph but how horrible would that have been.

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