Thursday, September 4, 2008

Birthday Countdown

So there are about 6 and a half hours until my birthday. If you couldn't tell I am pretty excited. I don't know exactly what to do tomorrow but my mom and dad will be meeting me in Cornell since that's where I will be. I'm so excited I haven't seen my dad since May and my mom since July. That really is a long time.

I have already planned for next summer that I will probably go home twice just so I don't get too lonely or homesick since it will be Olympic year. Yes I know I have this whole season to start and finish and kick butt in but you have to think ahead. Anyone can plan visits to come see me if they would like. Pos came to visit this year and it was nice just to see him and for him to see where I train and what I do with my busy days since I never find the time to pick ip the phone.

Well that's about it I just got my teeth cleaned. Caleb's friend that we are staying with is a dentist and told us to come in which was awesome I love having really clean teeth.

Again I am ending with I cannot wait to be home!! And of course for tomorrow!! Well midnight really!!

1 comment:

Kaitlin said...

Happy Birthday!!! Say hi to Mom and Dad for me - I haven't seen anyone since july! (and I'm jealous - I want my teeth cleaned too! haha) have a fun day. talk to you soon, you know, when you've recovered from birthday excitement.