Saturday, January 24, 2009

12th and 7th in Cesana ICC races 5 and 6

Let me first start by saying Cesana is the track from the 2006 Olympic Games in Torino. They built the track about an hour and a half north of Torino because of the colder weather. They tend to do this a lot for the sliding sports. When we have races here we stay about 20 min past the track up the mountain in Sestriere. Its a nice town, small ski town with hotels all over and people walking in ski boots.

The first race in Cesana was Friday (yesterday) I finished 12th. I had been having problems with track all week, I wasn't understanding it and couldn't go fast or have good runs. I figured for the race I was just going to let it happen and see if I could make something click. That wasn't too much the case yesterday I had two decent runs that weren't very fast, and with some mistakes here and then that added up to big mistakes. I wasn't dissapointed at all since I have only been here once before which was last year.

The race was crazy though its still snowing, on top of the 7ft they got in late December it won't stop. I think we got over a foot of snow yesterday. This morning when I woke up it was snowing again. The track is almost completely covered, everything but the start. You don't see any snow in the track only when you load the sled and continue into corner 1.

Race day number 2 I finished 7th today. I am so excited. My first run was amazing the best I had all week. I made one major mistake I hit the wall before the first corner which is slow. So I was hoping to improve my second run. I was in 6th place after my first run. My second run was not as pretty as my first I made a lot of mistakes that just add up once you get to the lower part of the track. I fell back one spot, at least I didn't fall back more than that.

At first I was a little disappointed because I hate falling back in races, it is my goal to not do that this season. I realized that for the second time on this track I can't complain too much. I was able to put things together in the second race and I learned a lot about how to drive on this track. I am very excited that I finished 7th and am growing to like this track because if you had asked me in the beginning of the week if I like sliding here I would have said no.

If only someone would go play in the snow with me that would be perfect. I don't think anyone wants to get cold though. So I might have to go jump in the snow piles by myself since I have never seen this much snow in my entire life!

Thats all for now, have to start packing for our next stop we have a few days off so I will keep everyone updated on what we decide to do!

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